Getting a Puppy: Updated Rules


We started our web site and blog in September of 2006. Then came Emma’s litter in December of 2006. We went on the internet search engines in March of 2007. It has been quite the learning experience. Although we have been breeding dogs for years, this internet way of meeting clients and selling pups is a whole new world.

We have heard from many nice people from all over the states, each with their own precious story of a “golden companion or two”. We have been asked by numerous people to allow them to visit and see our dogs in person, most recently by a gentleman from Alaska who was passing through visiting family here in CT. We had a couple inquire about taking a puppy with them when they move to India in 2010. Many have sad stories about recent losses of their lifelong golden friend to cancer. The variety of the life stories is incredible.

Up to now we have had everyone fill out their questionnaires, and then begin the long and unpredictable wait for mother nature to bless us with a golden in heat. After months of waiting, people’s plans and lives change, and so does their interest in a dog. Keeping potential clients on an updated list has taken on a life of its own. It is time consuming, and as I recently found out, not very reflective of what is happening in the lives of our potential clients. So effective immediately, here are our revised rules:

  • In order to be considered for a puppy, the puppy questionnaire has to be filled out, submitted, and accepted by us in order to get a potential place in the whelping box.
  • We do not discuss your place in line until there are puppies on the ground. As an obstetrician, I well know the hazards of pregnancies of any species. No need to raise mother nature’s ire by being presumptuous.
  • When the pups arrive, potential clients who have passed the puppy questionnaire, will have the chance to see the litter and then place a non refundable one hundred dollar deposit for a puppy.
  • Clients can choose male or female, but the ultimate placement of a dog with a family is dependent on the temperament testing done by professionals at our home at seven weeks. With Emma’s last litter everyone got their choice except for one family with young children that was best served with a puppy with an especially easy going disposition. That family is extremely happy with that decision and is awaiting a second dog.
  • The price of our next upcoming litters will be 1300 $. There is no room for negotiation. Our breeding business is vet recommended. We have so far never had a puppy returned, and the price reflects ongoing costs not profit.
  • We do not ship dogs.
  • All our dogs are sold with limited AKC registrations which means no breeding allowed.
  • Except in special circumstances, we only allow visitors to our home when one of our females is pregnant, or a litter is present. These dogs are our canine children and live in our home not a kennel.

I will not be keeping lists of potential clients other than to keep the names of those who have passed the puppy questionnaire. It is the client’s responsibility to keep track of what is happening in our dog world, and to contact us when they have made up their mind about a puppy, and are ready to place a deposit.


As you can see from the above photo of our then two year old Riley, and five month old Lucy, we breed gorgeous animals with dispositions to match. Every care is taken to insure the best of health, personality, and genetics in our Goldens. The above rules reflect what we need to do to continue to offer our clients the best puppy we can for a lifetime of adventure and companionship.

As for the internet and its ever expanding ways of doing business, I continue to learn every day.