Favorite Chairs


With the calendar being mid January, our dog family is very happy to go for outings in the chilly cold, and then settle in on their favorite chairs afterwards for a quick nap. Although every golden seems to have their favorite seat, as soon as someone relinquishes their spot, another takes their place. The result is an ever changing configuration of blond hair and large brown eyes filling our arm chairs and couches.


Heaven forbid if Barb or I want to sit down and read or watch TV for a spell. One of the girls will join you and gradually try to smother you with their cuddling, hoping that you will be the one to move and not them. Occasionally, they want nothing better than to enjoy their leather seat along with you as shown in this former photo that Barb took when Riley and I were sharing a napping moment.


We have long ago given up on proper dog etiquette in our household here with our children grown. While some reading this might object mightily, we now live for a peaceful comfortable existence. Entertaining consists of family, friends, and dog people sharing quiet and laid back moments here.

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Our home is the shelter which shields us from the buffeting winds of human illness, frailties, and a hostile world. Dogville for me is where I can reflect and recharge my defenses against these never ending challenges.